275+ Breakup Captions for Instagram with Quotes

When you want to share Breakup pictures on social media like Instagram. Then you have to keep attention to make your captions smarter than others. Because a smart caption always makes a post standard. Thatā€™s why we are here to provide you with the perfect Breakup captions for your pictures.

Seeking Breakup captions for Instagram? You are knocking on the right door. Here are the vast collections of what you are searching for. You may be out of pictures but we assure you that there will be no lack of captions. Our collection will make your status more engaging.

There is no doubt that you can make your status more expressive that will reflect your views, emotions, and ideas. So donā€™t miss getting the Breakup caption for your next Instagram post. It is just you to find out the most suitable one. Why are you waiting!

Letā€™s take a look.

Breakup Captions for Instagram

  • I have now come to the realization I deserve more than you
  • No Iā€™m no oneā€™s wife But oh I love my life
  • You cannot destroy me
  • How strange it is that after all that we are strangers again
  • Today it feels like I just woke up from months of sleeping
  • I break up very well I am a good breakerupper
  • Breakups hurt but losing someone who doesnā€™t respect and appreciate you is actually a gain not a loss
  • We must be willing to let go of the life weā€™ve planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us
  • Sometimes when you lose your way you find yourself
  • just did my spring cleaning
  • A break up is like a broken mirror It is better to leave it broken than hurt yourself to fix it
  • The hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to talk to everyday
  • Donā€™t mistake my kindness for weakness
  • itā€™s unfortunate you couldnā€™t keep me
  • I am strong enough to forgive
  • Nothing else ever seems to hurt like the smile on your face When its only in my memory it doesnt hit me quite the same ā€” BeyoncĆ© Pray You Catch Me
  • I shall rise again wiser fitter and learn better and stronger than Iā€™ve ever been and Iā€™ll show you things that youā€™ve never seen
  • Because sometimes you just canā€™t tell the truth
  • Sometimes when we lose our way we find ourselves
  • My DMs are open for sliding
  • Sometimes when I say Iā€™m okay I want someone to look me in the eyes hug me tight and say I know youā€™re not
  • I love you so much and it so sad to hear that you are going to leave me
  • Itā€™s unfair that I still care and I wonder where you are tonight Thinking it could be different But maybe we missed it ā€” Tori Kelly It Shouldā€™ve Been Us
  • You will search for me in another person I promise
  • It hurts but itā€™s ok Iā€™m used to it
  • Get up and get busy Woke up feeling great today I got this You got this Letā€™s do this
  • Choosing me and my happiness has been the best decision yet
  • donā€™t text
  • I really want to talk to someone šŸ˜žšŸ˜¢
  • To appreciate the sun you gotta know what rain is
  • Why canā€™t you feel the same towards me
  • Heartbreak šŸ’”
  • Brb I have to tape my heart back together
  • Letā€™s celebrate your breakup with a night out that produces enough awesome Facebook pictures heā€™ll have to see them
  • Stop waiting for Friday for summer for someone to fall in love with you for life Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in now
  • The worst feeling is not being lonely Itā€™s being forgotten by someone you would never forget
  • Is this what love means šŸ„€
  • Your ex asking you to be friends after break up is like kidnappers asking you to keep in touch after letting you go
  • I used to think that asking you out was the hardest and scariest thing that I would ever have to do You were everything that I thought I wanted but would you want me back But now I realize that saying goodbye forever is the hardest thing to do

Sad Breakup Captions

  • Let the waves crash and the sun is set and the boy leave
  • Never beg someone to stay
  • Everything happens for a reason
  • Glowing and happier than ever before
  • Every time I look at you I get a fierce desire to be lonesome
  • Everything in your life happens for a reason The things which hurt you the most Make you more strong
  • People love and they leave you just never know when it will be okay soon you wonā€™t need them anymore
  • Heartbreak changes everything
  • I still canā€™t understand why it didnā€™t work out between me and you Maybe our love was really too good to be true
  • I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke
  • Whatever you do never run back to what broke you ā€” Frank Ocean
  • I wonder if he knows how much I miss him
  • Some people wish their exs well but I dont wish you anything
  • Our relationship was always about ā€œGive and Takeā€ until you stopped giving but never stopped taking Goodbye
  • Youā€™ve never really had your heart broken until you have to block and delete everything after a breakup deadass this shit hurts so bad šŸ’”
  • couldā€™ve had a bad bā€¦
  • And one day your name didnā€™t make me smile anymore
  • No one can save us but ourselves No one can and no one may We ourselves must walk the path
  • I Hate When We FightšŸ˜ž
  • The memories of us you keep on fading every single day I want to forget you and at the same time cling onto every beautiful moment we shared Letting you go is tough and so is keeping you alive in my memories with the hope that you will return
  • Never love anybody who treats you like youā€™re ordinary
  • How much of human life is lost in waiting ā€” Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Iā€™m not a princess I donā€™t need saving Iā€™m a queen and I got everything under control
  • If you love someone set them free If they come back set them on fire
  • No boyfriend no problems
  • This is what it felt like to have a broken heart It felt less like a cracking down the middle and more like she had swallowed it whole and it sat bruised and bleeding in the pit of her stomach ā€” Wendy Wunder in The Probability of Miracles
  • I like my relationships like I like my eggs ā€” over easy ā€” Jarod Kintz It Occurred To Me
  • Find the love you seek by first finding the love within yourself
  • I wonder when you will stop thinking of me
  • Just think your ex is someone elseā€™s problem now
  • When you start fantasizing about his funeral you know itā€™s over
  • Here are great sad quote options as well
  • Live for what today has to offer not for what yesterday has taken away
  • My heart only breaks for you
  • Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option ā€” Mark Twain
  • All of this has been harder than I thought
  • I am breaking up with you Our relationship will die but our love will live on
  • Realized Iā€™ll probs never find a love like the one I have for pizza and am cool with that
  • My mother always told me to put things back where I found themā€¦so Iā€™m about to put this bitch in her place
  • I truly loved you but now Iā€™m walking away
  • Donā€™t cry because itā€™s over smile because it happened
  • I mean sure I have my bad days but then I remember what a cute smile I have
  • Love can change anything
  • Baby we need to talk Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about us and itā€™s just not working
  • Cheer up sweet beautiful girl You are going to be in love again and it will be magnificent
  • No ring No prob
  • You mean more to me than life itself ā€“ but Iā€™m suicidal
  • Sometimes you just have to accept the fact that some people only enter your life as temporary happiness
  • I will not allow myself to not feel chosen every single day And Iā€™ll wait till whenever that is
  • I would rather be alone than being with the wrong person
  • To walk away from someone you love is hard
  • Sometimes you have to face whats hurting you headon
  • boy thought he broke me
  • If it comes let it come If it stays let it stay If it goes let it go
  • I never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back
  • I hope you step on a Lego ā€” Unknown
  • One moment you feel like the most loved person and the next youā€™re trash
  • just another name on the hit list
  • how itā€™s gotta be
  • If youā€™re gonna let me down let me down gently Donā€™t pretend that you donā€™t want me Our love ainā€™t water under the bridge ā€” Adele Water Under the Bridge
  • Im impossible to gain back
  • I had many reasons to give up on you but I chose to stay You had many reasons to stay but you chose to give up
  • Still going strong
  • My darling how is it that you look into the mirror and lose your reflection šŸ’”
  • Thereā€™s something Iā€™ve been wanting to say since the day we metā€¦goodbye
  • My mascara is too expensive to cry over stupid boys like you
  • Memories really hurt like a bitch Iā€™m having the worst breakdowns
  • itā€™s not me itā€™s you
  • I hope you step on a Lego

Savage Breakup Captions

  • Itā€™s so difficult šŸ’”
  • The heart was made to be broken
  • You used to be my cup of tea but I sip champagne now
  • Single until I find a human I love more than chicken fingers
  • thank you nexting and thriving
  • Single Ā  Taken Ā  Too Busy Enjoying Life āœ“
  • I have no regret that youā€™re leaving me Because I know at least my feelings for you were always real I was honest all the way
  • Your time is way too valuable to be wasted on people that canā€™t accept who you are and who donā€™t give you the time back you deserve
  • I didnā€™t lose you You lost me Youā€™ll search for me inside of everyone youā€™re with and I wonā€™t be found
  • Did you fall from heaven Because so did Satan
  • Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted makeup ā€” Marian Keyes Watermelon
  • It was harder than I thought but breakups are never easy after all I guess
  • Trying to move on hurts more looking back
  • long gone
  • My inner soul says that the person you are is a human version of a bitch
  • Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together
  • The hottest love has the coldest end
  • Donā€™t stand so close to the heart Plastic melts
  • If they are stupid enough to walk away be smart enough to let them go
  • I tried to be everything youā€™d ever want and sometimes I even stood on my heart and stomped Now Iā€™m finally alone and dressed for the show but going nowhere They donā€™t need to see me crying ā€” Sara Bareilles Little Black Dress
  • In time I will fade away In time I wonā€™t hear what you say In time but time takes time you know ā€” Ben Folds Time
  • Our hearts are not in the same place so teach me how to break up with you with grace
  • Itā€™s not like I hate you but itā€™s like I donā€™t like the way you talk laugh flirt walk speak love live and all your fcking crap
  • Love is unconditional Relationships are not
  • It hurts because it mattered ā€” John Green
  • No more tears because I didnā€™t lose you You lost me
  • You say Im crazy cause you dont think I know what youve done But when you call me baby I know Im not the only one ā€” Sam Smith I Know Im Not the Only One
  • The more boys I meet the more I love my dog
  • If youā€™re brave enough to say goodbye life will reward you with a new hello
  • Never cry for that person who doesnā€™t know the value of your tears
  • I want someone who wants to understand me Even though I could be a puzzle I want someone who would love me
  • What is stronger than the human heart which shatters over and over and still lives
  • Iā€™ve got one less problem without you
  • Six letters two words easy to say hard to explain harder to do Move on
  • Someday I wont have to feel this way anymore
  • Accept what is let go of what was and have faith in what will be
  • If he were feeling what Iā€™m feeling then he would know how it feels
  • Itā€™s not like I hate you but itā€™s like I donā€™t like the way you talk laugh flirt walk speak love live and all your fucking crap
  • Memories really hurt like a bitch Iā€™m having the worst breakdowns šŸ™
  • Im pushing through the best I can
  • And now Iā€™ll do whatā€™s best for me
  • Itā€™s sad how quickly we became total strangers to each other It seems as if we never loved each other for even a moment
  • When things fall apart something better always comes afterwards
  • My heart is broken but my mind says Iā€™m OK ā€” Unknown
  • The biggest distance between the two persons is ā€œmisunderstandingā€
  • I can feel myself slowly fading from your mind
  • I can finally understand all those songs by Taylor Swift
  • Start loving yourself before you want someone to love you Take care of yourself before you want to be taken care of
  • Start loving yourself before you want someone to love you Take care of yourself before you want to be taken care of ā¤

Happy Breakup Puns for Instagram

  • The drinks bring back all the memories of everything weve been through ā€” Maroon 5 Memories
  • Iā€™m so miserable without you itā€™s almost as if youā€™re here
  • Couples donā€™t break up anymore one person just acts like an asshole till the other person canā€™t take it anymore
  • Iā€™m tired of fighting For once I want to be fought for
  • Our relationship is over but there were more smiles than tears So it was worth it
  • Of all my mistakes you were the mistakiest
  • Is this what love means
  • The hatred between us was something which I never wanted
  • Treat me like a joke and Iā€™ll leave you like itā€™s funny
  • I know the Bible talks about forgiveness and all but Iā€™m pretty sure Jesus would hold my purse while I kicked your ass
  • I should let you know ahead of time Iā€™m coming back on my worst behavior
  • I really want to talk to someone
  • if anyone asks weā€™re just friends
  • Please donā€™t be fooled by Adele Youā€™ll never find someone like me
  • Your value doesnā€™t decrease based on someoneā€™s inability to see your worth
  • Just wanna move on
  • It hurts but its OK Im used to it
  • I just wanna be loved
  • My bank account says my feelings cant afford to go away
  • Trust that an ending is followed by a beginning
  • Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can come together
  • Im still waiting on your call
  • Thanks for dating someone ugly after we broke up I win
  • I hate seeing you because you bring back the feelings I tried so hard to forget
  • Ive gotta be out my mind to think its gonna work this time A part of me wants to leave but the other side still believes ā€” Melanie Fiona It Kills Me
  • Men or shoes I choose shoes They last longer
  • wrong person
  • One moment you feel like the most loved person and the next youā€™re trash šŸ„€
  • When I get sad I stop being sad and be awesome instead
  • someday I hope you hate yourself for it
  • Iā€™m in pain

Funny Breakup Quotes for Instagram

  • My ex is proof of all my bad choices
  • Some days I stay up hoping Iā€™ll get a moment of clarity
  • The trash gets picked up tomorrow Better get ready
  • The hardest thing Iā€™ll ever do is walk away still loving you
  • Finally Breakup
  • I used to hope that youā€™d bring me flowers Now I plant my own
  • I didnā€™t stop loving you I decided to stop showing it because no matter how hard I tried you wouldnā€™t get it
  • I want to be awesome but Im too busy being sad
  • I want to be strong but I cant right now
  • I am Fiji water You are toilet water
  • The best revenge is to smile and move on
  • Sometimes itā€™s better to stay silent and let the universe answer all those questions and allegations which the world puts on you
  • One day I hope you look back at what we had and regret every single thing you did to let it end
  • Iā€™m no longer following my heart It keeps giving me bad directions
  • Break upšŸ’”
  • How many pieces can a heart break into
  • And I was speechless šŸ˜¶
  • Just because Someone gave up on you doesnā€™t mean someone wonā€™t recognize your worth Why cry and shout when the other person doesnā€™t give a fck about it
  • Congratulations on your break up Nobody could stand that bastard any way
  • Let it hurt Let it bleed Let it heal And let it go
  • No one to blame but myself
  • Life with painful paths
  • Stop filling the spaces in between with distractions and the right energy will flow in
  • Iā€™m not crying because of you youā€™re not worth it Iā€™m crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are
  • Trying not to beg someone to stay
  • The heart was made to be broken ā€” Oscar Wilde
  • The hottest love has the coldest end ā€” Socrates
  • Sometimes you just have to face whatever it is thatā€™s causing you pain
  • Can you make peace with your past Does it haunt you
  • Itā€™s never easy when something great comes to an end but when one door closes another open
  • Move On
  • gtg see you never
  • The way they leave tells you everythingā€” Rupi Kaur Answers
  • Think about it Think about where you were who you were with All different now
  • Pain makes you stronger fear makes you braver heartbreak makes you wiser
  • happily ever never
  • I never hated a man enough to give his diamonds backā€
  • Pain makes you stronger fear makes you braver heartbreak makes you wiser ā€” Drake
  • Love can change everything
  • Someday itā€™s gonna make sense
  • Whoever said money canā€™t buy happiness clearly never paid for a divorce
  • My life has become this one big I donā€™t know
  • Maybe if I sing Let It Go this will be easier
  • Love is a lie
  • I am back on the market
  • You used to be my favorite cup of tea
  • Hereā€™s to my ex Hey look at me now
  • wrong person šŸ’”
  • Your love was never genuine
  • Itā€™s not you itā€™s me Iā€™m too good for you
  • You made me feel like I was hard to love and I will never forgive you for that
  • Iā€™m cool PS Youā€™re not

Short Breakup Captions

  • Sometimes breakups are the bitter pills that cure you of toxic relationships
  • My DMs are open for business but my heart is under maintenance
  • Hearts will never be practical until they are made unbreakable ā€” The Wizard of Oz
  • Stars canā€™t shine without darkness
  • You are not worth my love if you need reasons to find me worthy of yours Goodbye
  • Made like Elsa and decided to let it go
  • I need to cuddle my Gloomybear in peace
  • I remember years ago someone told me I should take caution when it comes to love ā€” James Arthur Impossible
  • šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”
  • The course of true love did never run smooth ā€” William Shakespeare A Midsummer Nights Dream
  • livinā€™ for me
  • The memories of us you keep on fading every single day I want to forget you and at the same time cling to every beautiful moment we shared Letting you go is tough and so is keeping you alive in my memories with the hope that you will return
  • But if you loved me whyā€™d you leave me ā€” Kodaline All I Want
  • but I mean itā€™s whatever
  • Itā€™s not you itā€™s me finally realizing youā€™re terrible for me
  • Starting today I need to forget whatā€™s gone Appreciate what still remains and look forward to whatā€™s coming next
  • You were dumb enough to walk away I was smart enough to let you go
  • I am trying to kill you inside of me so I can live
  • The way they leave tells you everything
  • We are never ever ever getting back together
  • Gonna love myself no I donā€™t need anybody else
  • Be free
  • Once broken impossible to gain backšŸ’”
  • The pain only made me stronger

Glow Up Breakup Captions for Instagram

  • I think itā€™s important to realize you can miss something but not want it back
  • I know my place and it ainā€™t with you
  • The most courageous act is still to think for yourself Aloud
  • Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option
  • As painful as it is tolerating heartbreak is still better than tolerating your lies Goodbye
  • When your past calls donā€™t answer
  • Once broken impossible to gain back
  • You were my cup of tea but I drink champagne now
  • Men or shoes Honestly shoes last longer and theyā€™re more dependable
  • Its like my heart stepped on a Lego
  • A breakup is like a broken mirror It is better to leave than risk hurting yourself trying to pick up all of the broken pieces
  • Food before dudes
  • Feeling good living better
  • My ex is living proof of how stupid I can be
  • If someone makes you miserable more than they make you happy then it is time to let them go no matter how much you love them


We are optimistic that you have found the perfect Breakup Instagram Captions and are ready to make you enlight for a better Instagram vibe. You can recommend our articles if we have made it easier for you. Finally, thank you for your valuable time with us.

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