480+ Body Positivity Captions for Instagram with Quotes

When you want to share Body Positivity pictures on social media like Instagram. Then you have to keep attention to make your captions smarter than others. Because a smart caption always makes a post standard. That’s why we are here to provide you with the perfect Body Positivity captions for your pictures.

Seeking Body Positivity captions for Instagram? You are knocking on the right door. Here are the vast collections of what you are searching for. You may be out of pictures but we assure you that there will be no lack of captions. Our collection will make your status more engaging.

There is no doubt that you can make your status more expressive that will reflect your views, emotions, and ideas. So don’t miss getting the Body Positivity caption for your next Instagram post. It is just you to find out the most suitable one. Why are you waiting!

Let’s take a look.

Body Positivity Captions for Instagram

  • I’m not perfect, but I’m pretty damn close.
  • Your body is not an opinion.
  • Self-love is the new black: rock it with pride! 🖤
  • I celebrate my body and all its diversity.
  • Love every inch, every curve, every part of you.
  • I’m not plus-size, I’m bigger than average at being amazing.
  • When you feel confident in your skin, the world feels a little brighter.
  • Embrace your flaws, they make you unique.
  • My body, my rules: No opinions necessary.
  • This is me — body-positive and badass.
  • You are worthy of love, just as you are.
  • I’m a work of art, unique and beautiful in my own way.
  • I choose to love and accept myself just as I am.
  • Body positivity: Because one size fits all is just a myth, like unicorns and calorie-free donuts.
  • Breaking news: Your body is fantastic.
  • My curves make me unstoppable.
  • Every workout is a step towards self-love and acceptance.
  • There’s no weighing scale in the ocean.
  • Feel good about your body.
  • It’s time to break free from the beauty standards cage! 🗝️
  • The problem isn’t your body. It’s their narrowmindedness.
  • Rocking my body with pride and living my best life ✌️
  • True beauty comes from within.
  • Haters gonna hate, but I’m gonna keep loving myself.
  • Who says your body must be perfect to enjoy the beach?
  • Be your own best cheerleader!
  • You are perfect just the way you are.
  • Your body is your own personal masterpiece.
  • Barefoot on the sand, just exactly as I am.
  • My body is a wonderland, with a few extra rollercoasters.
  • The only body you should compare yourself to is the one you had yesterday.
  • Your body is not something to be ashamed of, it’s something to be proud of.
  • My curves may jiggle, but my confidence is rock solid.
  • Gravity, meet my curves. We’re defying you today.
  • Confidence is the sexiest thing a person can wear.
  • Natural beauty is the best kind of beauty!
  • Loving your body is not a crime!
  • We learn to hate our bodies, which means we can also unlearn and start loving our bodies again.
  • Your body is a work of art, embrace it.
  • I am beautiful because of who I am, not because of what I look like.
  • I am strong, beautiful, and powerful.
  • Embrace the jiggle, baby!
  • You should not waste much of your time obsessing about how much you weigh. That is a very boring, mind-numbing, idiotic, and self-destructive diversion from the pleasure of living. – Meryl Streep.
  • Your body is your canvas – paint it with self-love. 🎨
  • My size doesn’t define me, my awesomeness does.
  • Body positivity forever.
  • Beauty is subjective, and so is the definition of a perfect body.
  • No thigh gaps, no problem.
  • Once you discover your self-worth, you will lose interest in those who don’t see it.
  • My body may not fit society’s standards, but it fits me perfectly.
  • I may not be society’s ideal, but I am perfect in my own way.
  • Exercising because I love my body, not because I hate it.
  • Body positivity is the greatest middle finger.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect body, only perfectly imperfect bodies.
  • Confidence is not just about what you have, it’s about who you are.
  • My curves are in all the right places.
  • Born to stand out: why blend in when you can shine? ✨
  • I celebrate my body and all its imperfections.
  • Slaying every curve like a boss!
  • Fitness journey is more about feeling good than looking good.
  • Body positivity – because you’re worth it.
  • I may have rolls, but I also have goals.
  • Flaunting my curves and loving every inch of it 💃
  • Life is too short to waste time on body shaming and negativity.
  • Eat the cake, wear the swimsuit, live your life.
  • Every body is different, and that’s what makes life interesting.
  • Body positivity is not only about weight or size – it’s about recognizing yourself for who you are!
  • Don’t let anyone dim your light with negative body talk.
  • Fitness is not about being better than someone else. It’s about being better than you used to be.
  • No such thing as a ‘perfect body’ – only a happy one.
  • Love yourself, and everything else will fall into place.
  • Forget the rules and start living and loving yourself.
  • Absolutely loving my bikini body!
  • Tiger stripes, love handles, loose skin, all part of a beautiful body transformation.
  • Curves so good, they deserve their own theme park.
  • Respect your body, fuel your body, challenge your body.
  • My body is like a work of art, abstract and open to interpretation.
  • I am worthy of love, no matter my size or shape.
  • Self-confidence is a superpower, and I’m using it to change the world.
  • Let your body do the talking.

Body Positivity Quotes for Instagram

  • Rock those curves: confidence has no size! 🎉
  • I am grateful for my body and all that it can do.
  • My body, my masterpiece.
  • My goal is not a size, but a healthier and happier me.
  • I grew a human being inside me. What’s your superpower?
  • I’m fabulously imperfect, and that’s perfectly okay!
  • My personal style is ‘confident and comfortable,’ and it looks damn good on me.
  • If loving my curves is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
  • Your body is not an ornament, it’s a tool to be cherished.
  • Sunshine on my mind and body positivity in my heart.
  • Your whole life shows on your face therefore, you should be proud of it. – Lauren Bacall.
  • Beauty is not just skin deep, it starts from within.
  • Embrace your unique and imperfect self.
  • Your body is a work of art, love it for all its imperfections.
  • I honor my body exactly as it is.
  • No body shape is better than another.
  • I am more than a number on a scale.
  • Take care of your body, it’s the only one you’ve got.
  • Stop playing that comparison game because it will strip the beauty of your own story. – Arielle Estoria.
  • Every body is a good body.
  • Beauty is not a size, it’s a state of mind.
  • Body positivity rocks!
  • You are only as flawless as you think you are.
  • Embrace your unique beauty.
  • Love your curves, your edges, your imperfections.
  • Salt in the air, self-love in my soul.
  • Be careful because your body hears all that your mind says.
  • Real women have curves.
  • Glowing with confidence and just a little bit of sweat.
  • My fitness journey is about progress, not perfection.
  • I am proud of my body and the journey it has been on.
  • I embrace my body, flaws and all.
  • Life’s a beach. Enjoy every wave like you’re made for it.
  • My body is a work in progress, and that’s okay.
  • Beauty isn’t a size, but a state of mind.
  • There is no such thing as a ‘perfect’ body.
  • Lines are proof that we change and grow. They are the etchings from your laughter, smiles, and frowns you learned from. Eleanor Gordon-Smith.
  • Beauty is not about achieving perfection, it’s about embracing your uniqueness.
  • Your body is beautiful, and so are you.
  • I am beautiful, just as I am.
  • My body. My rules. My beach.
  • Happiness is the best outfit.
  • My body, my story: let’s rewrite the narrative! 📚
  • Love your body the way it is, it has carried you this far.
  • I don’t have time for body shaming. I’m busy being a super mom.
  • Radiating confidence under the beach sunlight.
  • Normal’ is an illusion created by society.
  • I like my body like I like my pizza: with extra everything.
  • I’ve got curves in all the right places, and I embrace them wholeheartedly.
  • Each workout takes me closer to a healthier mindset.
  • Embrace every part of your body, it’s all you’ve got.
  • Flaw-some and fabulous, that’s how I roll.
  • Your worth is not measured by your dress size.
  • Flaunt your flaws, they make you uniquely beautiful.
  • Let’s celebrate our bodies and their incredible capabilities!
  • Never let anyone dull your sparkle with negative comments about your body.
  • Let the sea set you free, just like I did with my insecurities.
  • Beauty is about being comfortable in my own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.
  • I always feel confident and beautiful in my own skin – no matter what.
  • I may not fit the mold, but being unique is my superpower.
  • Beauty is diverse: let’s celebrate all bodies together! 🌎
  • Thick thighs, thin patience.
  • Exercising for a stronger and healthier me.
  • Size-awesome.
  • Living for the beach, loving every inch of me.
  • I’m curvy, not sorry.
  • My body is a work of art, and I am the artist.
  • Body positivity is seeing every body as a beach body.
  • Love your body, it’s the only one you’ll ever have.
  • My body is a wonderland, and I’m the tour guide.
  • I am not my stretch marks, but they are a part of my beautiful story.
  • Don’t wait for a smaller size, love the body you have now.
  • Honey, I am not a size zero, and I give zero shit about it.
  • The body I have is the body I’m happy with!
  • Your body is a temple, nourish it with good food and positive thoughts.
  • Big, bold, and absolutely beautiful.
  • Real beauty comes from inside.
  • Dare to love the skin you’re in.
  • Embracing my new curves, the curves of motherhood.
  • No matter what you’re going through, know that you’re beautiful no matter what.

Body Positivity Hashtags for Instagram

  • Perfection is overrated, being unique is where it’s at.
  • Flaws are just a part of the masterpiece.
  • The only validation I need is my own.
  • The biggest words anyone can say to us are the ones we say to ourselves. – Christine D’ercole.
  • Embrace the journey. Celebrate every step towards positive change.
  • Confidence is not being perfect, it’s being comfortable in your own skin.
  • Rock what you’ve got, because you are enough.
  • There is no wrong way to have a body.
  • My curves are my allies, and I’m proud of them.
  • I may not be Victoria’s Secret model material, but I could definitely be their mystery shopper.
  • I’m not flat, I’m a masterpiece in 3D.
  • Became a mother. Got stronger. Feel beautiful.
  • Embrace the body that carries you.
  • Beauty is subjective, but self-love is universal.
  • I’m not perfect, but I’m perfect for me.
  • Embrace your body, it’s your home.
  • Body positivity means being true to yourself and loving what you see in the mirror!
  • You don’t need anyone’s approval to be you.
  • I don’t need to be beach ready. I’m always ready.
  • I refuse to be a slave to society’s beauty standards.
  • My body is mine to love and cherish, and I do so unapologetically.
  • Embrace your imperfections, they make you who you are.
  • All bodies are beautiful, including yours.
  • Focus on progress, not perfection.
  • I am grateful for my body and all its abilities.
  • Self-love is always in fashion.
  • \My body is not just a shape, it’s a story.
  • Your words are so powerful that every time you tell yourself, ‘I love you,’ or give yourself a word of validation, it changes your mind. – Ashley Graham
  • Life is too short to waste time on negative thoughts about your body.
  • Size is just a number, but the beach is endless.
  • Confidently curvy and loving it.
  • I love my body, and I choose to treat it with kindness and respect.
  • Body love wins.
  • This body made miracles, it’s my badge of honor.
  • My workout is my time of self-love and self-care.
  • Strong, confident, and unapologetically me.
  • Love your skin – every inch is a win!
  • There’s a life-giving power within these hips and curves.
  • Embracing my flaws and all, because perfection is boring.
  • Unapologetically me: the ultimate body love mantra. 💖
  • Confidence is key, love your body and it will love you back.
  • Hug your curves.
  • Your body is a canvas, decorate it with confidence.
  • To love yourself is the greatest revolution.
  • My curves are my superpower.
  • You are a flawless work of art.
  • I’m comfortable in my body, are you?
  • Embrace your unique features, they make you one of a kind.
  • Love yourself first coz only you can love yourself best.
  • I am strong. I am beautiful. I am enough.
  • Focus on health, not just appearance.
  • Be a glow-getter: Shine from the inside out.
  • Flaws are just elaborate decorations on my beautiful body.
  • Do not disturb – too busy loving myself at the beach.
  • I am proud of the person I have become, and the body I have to show for it.
  • Celebrating every bit of me, stretch marks, loose skin and all.
  • Celebrate your uniqueness, because being YOU is fabulous 🦋
  • Love your body, it’s your greatest instrument.
  • Find your own beauty, define your own style, and love yourself for who you are.
  • Our bodies are miracles, and we should treat them as such!
  • Beautifully unique: embrace your one-of-a-kind body. 💗
  • Excuse me while I dazzle with my self-confidence.
  • The truth is: You’re amazing! No matter what size or shape you are.
  • We are not our looks. We are not what other people think of us. -Thich Nhat Hanh
  • Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.
  • My body is my temple and I treat it with love.
  • Celebrate your body for all the amazing things it does for you.
  • You, me, and a whole lot of body positivity: Let’s make it a party!
  • This body has given life, it’s beautiful in every shape.
  • Your value does not decrease based on someone’s opinion of you.
  • You are powerful enough to love your body unconditionally.
  • Celebrate your body, it’s your lifelong companion.
  • Growing, birthing, feeding a human. My body is amazing.
  • Body positivity is not about having a perfect body, it’s about loving the body you have.
  • On a journey of self-love, body acceptance and all-round fitness.
  • My body is a temple, not a fixer-upper.
  • Embrace your curves and own your body.
  • Fitness is a celebration of what your body can do.
  • Feeling happy and positive in my own skin!
  • There is no one-size-fits-all definition of beauty, embrace your own.

Body Positivity Puns for Instagram

  • Confidence is key to body positivity.
  • Your body is beautiful, no matter what shape or size it is.
  • Loving my body is my gift to myself, my child and the world.
  • Thick thighs and a vibe that never dies.
  • Having tummy rolls, acne, and chaffing thighs doesn’t need we need fixing. – Mik Zazen.
  • My body is more than just looks, it’s my child’s comfort zone.
  • The true essence of beauty is a woman who is unafraid and unapologetic to be comfortable in her imperfection. That is a rare beauty. – Steve Maraboli.
  • Own your body and love it the way it is!
  • I choose to focus on what my body can do, not what it looks like.
  • My thighs are like a superhero duo: Saving one snack at a time.
  • Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.
  • Flaunting my baby curves, because they show strength like nothing else.
  • Embrace your body, it’s a beautiful thing.
  • I’m confident in the skin I’m in.
  • Don’t compare your body to others, it’s like comparing apples to oranges.
  • My body is a temple, and I worship it.
  • Don’t let society dictate your worth.
  • Stay strong, be kind, and love yourself always!
  • This body is mine, and I love it!
  • Stretch marks? More like tiger stripes, baby!
  • Every curve, every stretch mark, and every imperfection makes you unique and beautiful.
  • Confidence is everything.
  • You are real, and that’s perfect.
  • My size doesn’t define me, my love for life does.
  • Beauty comes in all shapes, and so does confidence 💯
  • I lost weight because being pretty made me miserable. –Shannon Larkin
  • Confidence is my favorite outfit, and I wear it well 🌟
  • Your body deserves your love, not your judgment.
  • My body is my temple.
  • If you want to know the real representation of true beauty, it is confidence – being unafraid to be yourself. – Emma Stone.
  • Own your curves, rule the world.
  • I am not my body, but I love it just the same.
  • Embrace your body, it’s a reflection of your soul.
  • You can’t criticize yourself thin, hate yourself happy, or shame yourself worthy. If you want actual change, start with self-care and self-love. – Jessica Ortner.
  • Feeling good in my skin, and that’s the ultimate win! 🏆
  • Proud of my postpartum body, for it harboured a new life.
  • I honor my body with self-care and respect.
  • Fitness journey: Learning to love myself one day at a time.
  • When you feel good about yourself, the world feels good around you.
  • My body, my rules – self-love on fleek 🔥
  • Loving every curve, scar, and stretch mark: this is me. 🌹
  • I’m not where I am today because of what I have, but because of who I have become.
  • Unapologetically owning my fabulousness.
  • I love my body for all that it can do, not just for what it looks like.
  • Love yourself, you’re worth it.
  • Your body is capable of amazing things, celebrate its strength.
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most fabulous of them all? Spoiler: It’s all of us.
  • I am confident, gorgeous, and unapologetically me.
  • Your body is a temple, treat it with love and respect.
  • Be kind to your body, it’s doing its best.
  • All bodies are good bodies.
  • Our bodies are only temporary homes, and we should treat them with love and care.
  • My body is my temple, and I treat it with love and respect.
  • Accept each woman’s body on its own terms. – Gloria Steinem
  • The ocean doesn’t care about your size, love yourself.
  • The only standard my body needs to meet is my own.
  • Perfectly imperfect and proud!
  • Confidence is my best accessory.
  • Remember, your body is your home, make it a place you love to live in.
  • Be kind to your body, it’s the only one you have.
  • I love myself for who I am, not for what I look like.
  • Our bodies are not our weaknesses, they are our strengths!
  • Let’s be as free and wild as the sea.
  • Welcome to the self-love club. Admission: one fabulous you.
  • Love yourself, just the way you are.
  • There is no such thing as perfection – only prettiness.
  • This body carries me through every adventure, and I’m grateful for it.
  • You are more than just a number on a scale.
  • Embrace your body, it’s a source of power.
  • Strong and confident trumps skinny any day.
  • I’m so proud of my body!
  • Hating your body won’t change a thing – love it instead.
  • Love yourself, flaws and all.
  • You need to accept yourself because that’s true beauty. You don’t need other people’s approval to accept yourself. – Thich Nhat Hanh.
  • Find your own path and be true to yourself.
  • I embrace my body, and all its quirks and imperfections.
  • I am comfortable in my own skin, and it shows.
  • Your worth is not determined by your dress size.
  • I love my body and all the amazing things it can do.
  • My beauty is beyond the latest fad size.

Body Positivity Bio for Instagram

  • Your body is beautiful just the way it is.
  • Be proud of your body, it has carried you through life.
  • You are exactly where you’re supposed to be – standing proud on this beach.
  • Your weight shouldn’t determine your worth.
  • Flabby arms, don’t care.
  • Every body is a bikini body.
  • Nothing can dim the light that shines within me.
  • Beauty has no set definition.
  • I’m beautiful just the way I am – flaws and all.
  • Got 99 problems, but my body ain’t one.
  • I am on a fitness journey, not a race.
  • Confidence is the best outfit, own it.
  • Flaunt your curves with confidence!
  • Self-love is the foundation of a happy life.
  • Body positivity is always in style.
  • Confidence is not something you can buy, it’s something you build within.
  • Your body is a canvas, paint it with love and positivity 🎨
  • Perfectly imperfect, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  • Every workout is an act of love to my body.
  • Every body deserves to be celebrated.
  • I am worthy of love and respect, just as I am.
  • Letting my self-love tide rise high.
  • Perfection is overrated, be yourself.
  • It’s time to love your body, not just tolerate it.
  • I am enough, just as I am.
  • Chubby but cute, and that’s alright with me.
  • I am confident, comfortable, and at peace with my body.
  • Thick thighs save lives and look damn good too.
  • Every body is a fit body.
  • All of you is a burst of beauty.
  • I am proud of my curves.
  • Dare to bare your true self.
  • Fitspo? More like ditch the pressure to conformspo.
  • No matter what people say about my body, I love it!
  • No apologies for being yourself – ever!
  • There’s no mirror more accurate than my own thoughts.
  • Don’t throw away all your joy because of a past idea about yourself that isn’t true anymore. – Cheryl Strayed.
  • Big or small, my body does it all.
  • There is no one standard definition of what makes someone beautiful.
  • Love your curves, love your skin tone, love your everything!
  • Embrace your body, it’s a work of art.
  • Your body is a work of art, cherish it.
  • Loving my body is my cardio, and I’m working it out.
  • It’s not about the size you wear, but about the way you wear your size.
  • All bodies deserve respect and love.
  • I’m meant to shine, not shrink.
  • My body is mine, and I love it just the way it is.
  • Life is too short to waste time hating your body.
  • Your flaws are what make you special.
  • Embrace your curves and edges.
  • Don’t let society dictate what beautiful is.
  • I am in love with the skin I’m in.
  • Curvy and proud.
  • Workout because you love your body, not because you hate it.
  • Happiness looks good on me.
  • My beauty is within, not without.
  • Beauty starts from within, and I’m feeling pretty damn gorgeous.
  • Society’s standards don’t define me.
  • I am beautiful in my own skin.
  • My body is perfect just the way it is.
  • The most important rule of beauty is. ‘who cares?’ – Tina Fey
  • There is nothing stronger than a mother’s body.
  • I am body positive and proud!
  • Body confidence: It’s like a spa day for the soul.
  • Accept your body for what it is and love it anyway!
  • I’m curvy, and I like it.
  • Don’t let society’s standards dictate how you feel about your body.
  • Body love, baby.
  • Scarred but not scared. These are marks of a warrior.
  • No thigh gaps, just high fives.
  • You are beautiful, inside and out.
  • Beauty comes in all sizes.
  • Life is too short to spend it hating our bodies!
  • Every inch of my body is beautiful.
  • Empowerment begins with self-acceptance.
  • Wearing my stretch marks proudly, for they are the marks of a life nurturer.
  • Working out for fitness and health, not size and weight.
  • I love my body because it’s strong, flexible, and able to do amazing things.
  • It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s my fabulous self!
  • My body is not up for debate, but my love for pizza is.

Body Positivity Funny Captions

  • Be your own body goals: confidence is contagious! 😍
  • Celebrating every inch of me.
  • Own your uniqueness.
  • No body-shaming zone.
  • Confidence is a choice, choose to love yourself.
  • I’m on a strict diet of self-love and body acceptance, with a side of sass.
  • All bodies are swimsuit bodies. – Catherine Li
  • My beach body is always ready.
  • Nobody is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we have to be ashamed of our bodies.
  • My body is the CEO of the self-love corporation.
  • Big, small, tall, short – all bodies are beautiful.
  • My worth isn’t defined by my waistline.
  • This body is mine, and I will love it how I want to!
  • The real beauty is in being comfortable in your own skin.
  • There is no such thing as too many curves or muscle mass – everyone is beautiful in their own way!
  • Real queens love each other’s bodies.
  • Beauty is not just skin deep, it’s a reflection of your soul.
  • Life is too short to let insecurities hold me back.
  • Slaying every day and owning every inch of my body.
  • The lines on my body are like a road map back to my favourite destination: motherhood.
  • Flawed, fabulous, and feeling great.
  • Postpartum body, not a lesser version, just a different, stronger one.
  • Got curves? Flaunt ’em!
  • Flawsome – awesome with flaws.
  • Flaunt your curves, it’s their beach too.
  • I am strong, capable, and worthy of love.
  • It’s not a ‘bounce-back’, it’s a leap forward to a new myself.
  • Smiling with my body today, because it reminds me of the amazing journey to motherhood.
  • Every inch of my post-baby body is a testament to the miracle of life.
  • Embrace the glorious mess that you are 🌈
  • Body positivity: Because my awesomeness cannot be contained.
  • Embrace your body, it’s a testament to your strength.
  • My confidence is unapologetically loud and boisterous.
  • I am more than my physical appearance.
  • I’m never too heavy or too skinny, I’m just right!
  • When you take care of your body, it will also care for you
  • Feeling the ocean vibes in every curve.
  • Body confidence is the best beach outfit.
  • Size does not define beauty, and I’m living proof 💖
  • Embrace your body, and watch your confidence soar! 🦋
  • The beach doesn’t require a certain body type, just a certain free spirit.
  • Love yourself and your body exactly as it is.
  • I embrace my body, and all its unique qualities.
  • Chasing perfection is overrated, I prefer to chase happiness.
  • Warning: High levels of body confidence detected. Proceed with fabulousness.
  • Body positivity is a journey, not a destination.
  • My body is a canvas, and I choose to adorn it with self-love.
  • Stop trying to fix your body because it was never broken. – Eve Ensler
  • Embrace the skin you’re in – it’s your forever outfit! ✨
  • You are a limited edition, and there’s no upgrade needed.
  • My body’s a temple, but sometimes it’s also a 24/7 snack bar.
  • Celebrate every inch of who you are.
  • My curves are mine to love and admire!
  • Strong is so much better than skinny.
  • Flaunting my curves with style and grace.
  • I have rolls, and I love them.
  • Embracing my body, just as it is, is the greatest gift motherhood has given me.
  • Loving every inch of myself, no matter what the scale says.
  • Your body is a temple, treat it with love and kindness.
  • Confidence is the best accessory you can wear.
  • Confidence is not walking into a room thinking you are better than everyone else, it’s walking in knowing you are equal to everyone else.
  • Health and happiness come in all shapes and sizes.
  • Celebrate your body for all that it can do, not just for how it looks.
  • It is OK to be to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time. – Sophia Bush.
  • Comparing your body to others is a losing game – be your own kind of beautiful.
  • Love yourself from the inside out.
  • I am not defined by society’s standards.
  • I am more than a physical appearance, and I celebrate that.
  • My body is not a problem to be solved, it’s a canvas to be celebrated.
  • My body is not an apology.
  • Embrace yourself, flaws and all!
  • Size doesn’t matter. Love your body.
  • Step away from the mirror now and then because self-esteem won’t come from body parts. Take a moment to appreciate the reflection in the eyes of those who admire and love you. – Stacy London.
  • My body is a reflection of my strength and resilience.
  • Body positivity, because why not?
  • In a world where you can be anything, be kind to yourself and your body.
  • Today’s forecast: 100% chance of self-love.
  • Confidence is not just about looks, it’s about feeling good in your own skin.
  • I am proud of my journey, and where it has taken me.
  • Beauty is about acceptance, appreciating every change motherhood brings.
  • Not for weight loss, but for strength and energy.
  • Flaws are just reminders that we’re human, and that’s okay.
  • Break the mold, embrace your bold.
  • Embracing my shape, celebrating my journey.


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